Exciting, inspiring work that provides a place to stand on...
"#1 Show to see This week" ~ NY Theatre Guide
"One of the top 6 shows to see with a limited run" ~ Playbill
"One of the 6 pieces of political theatre to see after the election" ~Broadwaybox.com
"Best Bet" ~ Theasy.com
"This heartfelt new play is–for the most part–an empathetic window into the lives of a troubled few. Behind Zeiger’s tight script and a handful of admirable performances, Roughly Speaking is an honest representation and dissection of the homeless culture in New York City." ~ TheaterScene.net
10/29/16 - 11/20/16
Tada Theater, NYC
A new play with rap
Shara Ashley Zeiger
See a world we often walk by through the eyes of Lightning.Bolt, a rapper bound only by his wheelchair on a not so typical day at the soup kitchen. An existential struggle of survival begs questions of love, loss, and what's next.
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